Webinar: The full range of UGT Lysimeters and Ecotrons

We announce two webinars on Lysimeter and Ecotrons. The first webinar will be offered on Tuesday March, 30th at 9:00-10:30, the second at 17:00-18:30 (German time zone).
If you are interested in participating, please send an email to


The webinar will be held via Zoom by Dr. Sascha Reth.

We are looking forward to meet you!

It is challenging to study the mechanisms underlying the dynamics of water in the soil–plant– atmosphere continuum. Although micrometeorological techniques are widely used in hydrology, their applicability is   typically restricted to certain environmental conditions (i.e., homogeneous and flat surfaces, sufficiently turbulent conditions). Weighing lysimeters allow the water fluxes in vegetated soil columns to be measured gravimetrically with high accuracy. They are complementary and provide valuable information on transport processes within and across the upper and lower boundaries of undisturbed monolith samples. Measurements include evapotranspiration and precipitation, seepage into groundwater, and additional supporting information—soil hydraulic properties such as soil tension and moisture, which are key parameters for model parameterization. In addition to water fluxes, the transportation of matter into, within, and from soil can be probed.

The UGT management congratulates Prof. Dr. Nico Eisenhauer from the coveted Leibniz Prize 2021 of the DFG

We are very pleased about the award, where the biologist of the University of Leipzig achieved fundamental research results on the impact of global change on biodiversity and ecosystem functions.

The recognition confirms and shows how important and valuable scientific research in the field of ecosystem and climate effects is, not only today but also for the future. The 2.5 million prize will also help to further exploit potential in this area, as there is still so much to be explored.

UGT supplies the technology – Ecotrons – in these experimental chambers complex ecosystems can be recreated and natural conditions simulated. The findings of the interaction between animals, plants and the environment can be observed and measured there in a tailored manner, as currently demonstrated in USA Berkley – our EcoPod project in California

With our devices we offer “more than standard. As the only appointed representative in the German pavilion at the Dubai 2020 trade fair, we will also be represented with the Ecotrons, among others, from October.

We are looking forward to further prizes or awards in this field. Congratulations!

EcoUnits – an overview about the recent use and developments of ecotrons

Novel and Emerging Capabilities that Can Provide a Holistic Understanding of the Plant Root Microbiome

  • Esther Singer1 2 †
  • John P. Vogel1 2 3
  • Trent Northen1 2
  • Christopher J. Mungall2
  • Thomas E. Juenger4

1Joint Genome Institute, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720

2Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720

3Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley, 111 Koshland Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720

4The University of Texas at Austin, 2415 Speedway, Austin, TX 78712

Published Online:18 Jan 2021



In recent years, the root microbiome (i.e., microorganisms growing inside, on, or in close proximity to plant roots) has been shown to play an important role in plant health and productivity. Despite its importance, the root microbiome is challenging to study because of its complexity, heterogeneity, and subterranean location. Fortunately, root microbiome research has seen a tremendous influx of novel technologies (e.g., imaging tools, robotics, and molecular analyses), experimental platforms (e.g., micro- and mesocosms), and data integration, modeling, and prediction tools in the past decade that have greatly increased our ability to dissect the complex network of interactions between above- and belowground environmental parameters, plants, bacteria, and fungi that dictate soil and broader ecosystem health. Herein, we discuss methods that are currently used in root microbiome research and that can be expanded to phytobiome research in general ranging from laboratory studies to mesocosm-scale studies and, finally, to field studies; evaluate their relevance to ecosystem studies; and discuss future root microbiome research directions.

Success Stories: Future challenges of climate-change

The small lane Hölertwiete in Hamburg-Harburg represents a good example of the future challenges of climate-change adapted city development: the narrow and highly paved lane is lined by two densely built rows of houses. Due to this structural design, increasingly occurring extreme weather events, such as heavy rains and heat waves, have a particularly strong impact.

One solution for mitigating urban heat-island effects one the one hand and preventing overloading of the urban sewer systems and flooding on the other hand is the so-called sponge-city concept. In the project BlueGreenStreets, geo-ecologist Michael Richter and his colleague Prof. Wolfgang Dickhaut from the Department of Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning of the HafenCity University Hamburg investigate, how to make the best use of rainwater from roofs. Instead of leading the rainwater as usual from the adjacent gutters to the sewer system, they are supplying it to the few trees growing at Hölertwiete. Together with experts from soil science and plant ecology they are testing the small-scale sponge-city system. One key question is, how the supply of rainwater affects the vitality of the planted honey locusts and consequently also their potential to provide ecosystem services and more specifically their cooling potential.

Dr. Laura Stratopoulos and Michael Richter: data download of a Rugged Troll level logger

The team of specialists from different disciplines is conducting a series of experiments with regard to climate-adapted urban planning in the city of Hamburg and its surrounding areas. These include experiments with green roof systems, an experiment in a tree nursery and the measurement campaigns in the real city environment such as Hölertwiete. The sensor technology installed at the different sites varies according to the different research questions and respective approaches. At Hölertwiete, the focus is on continuous level and discharge measurements in the tree pits – an ideal and creative area of application for UGT expertise and the level monitoring instruments of our partner company In-Situ.

This approach, however, is also viewed sceptically, especially from the city administration. Future results have yet to show if the adduction of water is a curse or a blessing for the trees. The topic of waterlogging is widely debated. Michael Richter is confident, however, that using rainwater for the trees will have positive impacts for their vitality, for flood control as well as for the urban climate (keyword tree cooling).

Already for spring 2021, further tree plantings are planned on another location in Hamburg-Harburg. We as UGT follow with greatest interest, which exciting topics will become crucial for this new experiment. We will gladly assist for planning and equipping the measurement campaign. Our products from the areas of meteorology, hydrology, ecophysiology and soil science can be used and combined to evaluate the potential of such innovative urban development approaches.

The second run-up for the UGT EcoUnit at the Expo 2020

UGT is proud to be part of this magnificent event!
The Expo 2020 Dubai was planned to be from 20 October 2020 to 10 April 2021. As the worldwide pandemic limit all activities, the EXPO 2020 was postponed and takes place from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022. Over the course of 182 days, the world exhibition will present innovations, share ideas and foster collaboration between Nations to consider the challenges facing today’s world and the ways in which they could be solved. “The World’s greatest Show” presents itself in line with its overarching theme of “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future”.
In Dubai, the focus will be on three sub-themes of major significance for the world in which we live: opportunity, mobility and sustainability. They each present us with a difficult task but they also offer new perspectives on how we can change the way we live our lives.

Expo 2020 will be the first world expo to be held in MENA region and is set to attract the highest ever number of visitors from abroad. The number of visits to Expo 2020 is expected to be as high as 25 million, with around 70% coming from outside the United Arab Emirates. More than 200 countries, international organisations and companies will be represented in Dubai – to ensure a better, sustainable future..

This week the EcoUnit from UGT was prepared for the shipment to Dubai. Our Managing Director Dr. Sascha Reth made the last check-up of the exhibit EcoUnit.

Take the chance to participate in our partner In-Situ's webinar series

In this time of social distancing, webinars are a great way to access helpful information and tools to make your job easier and improve project outcomes. Our partner In-Situ, one of the market leaders in water level sensors and multiparameter sondes, has put together a Spring Webinar Series rich with material to improve your knowledge about water quality measurement, water level and flow monitoring and low flow sampling. Please take a look, sign up today, and share with your peers.