Study your ecosystem in a lysimeter under natural conditions with state of the art UGT Ready-To-Go lysimeters:
- monitor the movement, storage and degradation of contaminants in soil, soil water and soil gas
- study the correlation between your soil, environmental influences and plant parameters such as root growth or harvest
- determine the water balance
What impact does climate change have on the ecosystem?
Use your lysimeter additionally in the high-end EcoLab 500.
- simulate changes in the factors influencing the ecosystem
- change single parameters in comparison to free nature
- label with isotopes to follow them in your set-up
- modify the groundwater discharge
- steer the lower boundary of your soil
Choose the measurement instrumentation and control parameters from our complete product portfolio: soil moisture, soil temperature, humidity, air temperature, soil matrix potential, precipitation, trace gases, soil water sampler, radiation intensity, wind speed, redox, root cameras, sapflow…..
Connect any Picarro analyzer with the EcoLab 500:
Join the success story of UGT lysimeter and ecotrone award winning users!
UGT -more than standard. Take us at our word, because your project is more than standard!