From the 2nd of August to the 7th of August Singapore hosts the 12th annual meeting of AOGS.
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) was established in 2003 to promote geosciences and its application for the benefit of humanity. More than 1800 participants and research fellows from all over the world have arrived to exchange opinion in the field of soil and hydrology under the aspect of geoscience.
Dr. Sascha Reth holds an oral presentation with the title:
“Influence of a tension controlled lower boundary in lysimetres (HS02-D5-PM1-312-013)”
It was a plesure to have this talk with a lot of interested listeners. Questions like:
- how to measure exactly the evapotranspiration, or
- what is the influence of the temperature control, or
- to manage the lysimeter together with other measurement instruments, like gas analyzers and sap flow?
encourated us to further develope and investigate these topics.
At booth E04 Sascha Reth and Kerstin Thomsen show the equipment of UGT and give evidence of the wide ranging product groups of UGT. Already at the first day our booth was a centre of interst for the visitors. Also other Asian partners of UGT like from Vietnam and Malaysia make use of the chance to come and see UGT in Singapore.
The AOGS 2015 was a very successful event for UGT. Thanks to the organizers, thanks to Singapore and happy 50th anniversary!