UGT expands business in China

From Tuesday, 10th to Friday 13th Dr. Sascha Reth (Managing Director of UGT) and Kerstin Thomsen (Strategic Sales Manager of UGT) visited official representatives of the German economy in China. Very competent partners for consulting were the heads of the environmental departments of the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Beijing and Shanghai. We learnt a lot about new initiatives and incentives of the Chinese ministry of economy and environment in the co-operation with Germany.
Meeting at the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Beijing (Yu Yue, Dr.Sascha Reth, Kerstin Thomsen, Bernhard Feliziter)
Meeting at the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Shanghai (Kerstin Thomsen, Leng Xiao, Dr. Sascha Reth, Nadine Ulrich)
We also met ourselves familiar with the Research and Innovation Program CLEAN WATER in Shanghai. With our highly innovative products and customized solutions we picked the right point of time to further develop our activities in the Chinese market.
In narrow co-operation we worked together with our Chinese partners. We introduced our latest equipment and had a very productive exchange of experience. In further follow-up meetings – this could be in the margin of workshops, conferences and exhibitions – we will continue this dialogue.