Grand Matej Hotel, Banská Štiavnica on 02rd-04th October 2018
The conference will take place in the center of the historic town Banská Štiavnica (the first reliable record from 1217), which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The organizers’ are trying to connect on the academic life in Banská Štiavnica and continue in further development. The Mining Academy with the Department of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Metallurgy by the Decree of 13 December 1762, by the Empress Maria Terézia was established and started its activity in 1763 in Banská Štiavnica. In 1770 it was named the Mining Academy. It became the first High School in the centre of mining science and technology in Europe. In 1846, the Forestry Department was founded and the Mining Academy changed to the Mining and Forestry Academy. In 1904, the Academy changed to the University of Mining and Forestry, which in 1918 was added to the Technical University in Budapest. On April 24, 1919, the University moved to Sopron, where it currently operates under the name University of West Hungary.
The conference is focused on the thematic sections:
• Radioenviromental studies and peaceful use of nuclear energy;
• Radiation protection and safety operation of nuclear power plants;
• Protection against the effects of radon in buildings;
• Theoretical and Clinical Radiobiology and Radiophysics;
• Environmental and lysimetric research;
Workshop: Practical applications of ecosystem monitoring.
The basic informations about the conference are in the attached files or on the conference website
Full text of the papers will be accepted in Slovak, Czech or English. The paper must be formatted according to the attached template. The text of papers will be reviewed with the indexing number ISBN.
Registrations of participants, papers (attached file) are required until 30.06.2018.
Bachelor, Master/Engineer and PhD students have the opportunity to win the Best Student Research Competition – Award of prof. Ján Chrapan, Dr.Sc, which will be evaluated by the Programe and Organizing Committee.