Celebration of the 2015 International Year of Soils

We are proud to be part of the celebrating event of the International Year of Soils in Vienna.

“The IUSS together with the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture is organizing this conference in Vienna to celebrate the International Year of Soils (IYS) together with the World Soil Day (WSD). Speakers from regional soil science societies (Africa, East and Southeast Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America), the IUSS Council, the chairs and vice-chairs of the IUSS Divisions, Commissions and Working Groups as well as several high level representatives from FAO, IAEA and partners (e.g. European Commission, European Environment Agency, European Geosciences Union, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies) will be invited to discuss the achievements of the IYS and the future challenges in soil science as well as opportunities for international cooperation.”(IUSS.org)