Lysimeters – separating processes in flux measurement
UGT as a SME enjoys a number of advantages over its different partly larger counterparts.
Innovation, narrow contact to scientific institutions like universities, technical colleges and other highly innovative institutes in the field of environment give UGT an outstanding position in this market. One example was this international workshop. Altogether 45 participants enjoyed highly professional conference contributions. Dr. Sascha Reth, Managing Director of UGT and the whole UGT team were happy to host this event in Freising. One of the highlights was the research report from Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Peter Cepuder, BOKU Vienna, Austria and head of the European Lysimeter Research Group. He introduced for discussion among other important topics e.g. the influence of strong wind events on the weighing process and the evaluation of the measurements of the lysimeters.
An open minded atmosphere and a lively scientific and also practical discussion among all participants was a significant sign of this event. Input was given by very good presentations on lysimeter research projects in Slovakia by Ivan Matusek from Kreaprojekt and Mgr. Katarina Hrckova, PPRC Piestany as well as the very good contribution of Dr. Jozsef Zsembeli from the university Debrecen in Hungary who also introduced their lysimeter research projects to the participants.
Frederic Rees, representing the research projects from GISFI France informed about results of the lysimeter research in the field of remediation.
Practical demonstration of equipment by UGT and information on further product improvement gave also new input to the “think tank” of the various scientists and participants in the workshop. A new prestep – how to find soil anomalies in a defined territory – was introduced. This GPR system enables scientists and also the equipment maker UGT to find out exactly about the planned excavation place of the lysimeter.
Dr. Sascha Reth gave an overview about the opportunities and the wide range of utilization of the lysimeters by different case studies. He was highlighting also the special modern and innovative characteristics of the UGT lysimeter technology protected by various patents.
Data Service and visualization is a key point for all users to evaluate the data gained by the sensors in the lysimeter. Dirk Römermann, Lysidata & SVADDS informed about the opportunities to work most effective with these systems.
The second day continued with highly interesting research reports on simulation of water balance components at shallow groundwater sites by Dr. Ottfried Dietrich Zalf, or the report of Dr. Steffi Knoblauch, TLL Jena, on nitrogen leaching and fluxes in lysimeters. Dr. Manfred Türke from iDIV Leipzig gave highly interesting input about the work with Ecotrons – a very much future orientated field of activity; Oscar Perez-Priego, scientist from MPI Jena, gave a great report on the currently running research project dealing with evaporative flux partitioning using lysimeters and sap-flow and eddy covariance. Martina Zacios, from LWF Freising informed, gave in her contribution very good experience about the heat ratio method for sap flow measurements.
A great Forest research plot – “KRoof-project-Kranzberg” was introduced to the members of the workshop by Dr. Karl-Heinz Häberle from TUM Freising. Dr. Christian Heerdt from UGT concentrated in his contribution on findings concerning sap flow and water potentials of plants. There was a very intensive discussion also concerning these applications.
Who works intensive and with fun deserves also to party with fun – all participants enjoyed the Bavarian Evening in the traditional Beer garden “Wirtshaus Weißbräu Huber”.
International agents of UGT like MEMECO USA, represented by Don and Gregory Jenkinson, Kreaproject Slovakia, represented by Ivan Matusek or MEGRA, Serbia, represented by Marin Antic used the opportunity to intensively discuss with science on the one hand side and the UGT team concerning the practical realization of projects. We have built a bridge between scientific and technological expertise. We gave advice and contribute herewith to form an appropriate network.
The last day of the workshop was mainly dedicated to introduce scientific research projects in the field of gas and water analyzers. UGT represents PICARRO USA in this innovative field. Dr. Renato Winkler from PICARRO Europe introduced the equipment and gave practical demonstration.
Martina Schlaipfer, HSWT Freising, gave information on her research project concerning trace gas emissions form managed peat land. Dr. Paul Königer, BGR Hannover, reported on his innovative study concerning stable isotopes in soil water.
Science meets business – we are proud about this interactive communication.
This workshop was also a platform for UGT to conclude 2 new Gentlemen Agreements with new partners. We are happy and proud to announce among our agents now:
MEMECO, represented by Mr. Don Jenkinson, covering the territory of USA and
MEGRA, represented by Mr. Marin Antic, covering Serbia, Slowenia, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Croatia, Montenegro
UGT Freising offers for a workshop not only very good working conditions but also after work a wonderful surrounding. We were happy to have on Saturday before departure to the US to Don and Greg one of our most beautiful castles near Munich, “Neuschwanstein”
We thank again all our participants and lecturers. The contributions will be made available on a drop box. We are looking forward to our next upcoming workshop.
Kerstin Thomsen
Strategic Sales Director UGT