Project News – ReKKS

Test run of the mobile wind tunnel at UGT
UGT GmbH is a part of an international working team that consists of scientists from Leibniz University Hannover, University of Halle, UFZ Halle, in the project ReKKS.
2Wind erosion in the arid steppe regions of Kazakhstan. Photo credit:
One main task is the development and the construction of a mobile wind tunnel in cooperation with the University of Halle. In Kazakhstan, wind erosion is a crucial process for soil and humus losses. It is mainly affected by agricultural land use and its intensity. In the worst-case wind erosion causes the total loss of soils. Therefore, the reduction of wind erosion is an important aim of optimized soil tillage.
Last week the first test run started at the UGT GmbH.
3Test Field at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) Müncheberg.
4Photo credit: UGT GmbH
5Photo credit: UGT GmbH
6Mobile wind tunnel with sediment sampler. Photo credit: UGT GmbH
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ReKKS“Innovations for Sustainable Use of Agricultural Resources and Climate-adaption in the Arid Steppes of Kazakhstan and Southwestern Siberia (ReKKS)”
The project is funded by: