Climate Change in the steppe of Kazakhstan – MidTerm Meeting
UGT GmbH visited the MidTerm Conference of the German-Kazakh-Russian Research Cooperation Project Rekks with the research focus “Innovative solutions for a sustainable agricultural land use in the dry steppes of Kazakhstan and southwestern Siberia” on the 26 and 27 July 2019. First results from the joint research projects of the program “CLIENT II – International Partnerships for Sustainable Innovation” of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) were presented at the S.SEIFULLIN KAZAKH AGROTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY in Nur-Sultan and at the A.I. BARAYEV RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION CENTRE OF GRAIN FARMING in Shortandy.
Nur-Sultan, Seifullin University and Barayev Institute. Photo credit: Seifullin University, Barayev Institute and UGT GmbH
The UGT GmbH was represented by Kerstin Thomsen she gave a talk with results of the development and installation of a weighable lysimeter station that operates during the whole year. And she showed details of the constructed wind tunnel and the wind erosion trap to simulate and evaluate the effect of land-use and agriculture management on wind erosion.
Wind tunnel and snow lysimeter. Photo credit: UGT GmbH
In the afternoon there was a “Round Table” with scientists and farmers on the research needs of farmers and ways of implementation.
Round table moderated by Mr. Kanat Akshalov – head of department, Baraev Institut, Shortandy, Kasachstan. Photo credit: UGT GmbH
On 27.7. all participants could visit the lysimeter station on the experimental field.
MidTerm participants and Lysimeter station. Photo credit: UGT GmbH