– for us a modern way to do business with our chinese partners –
A greener future in China is a goal of the government of China. It is therefore that official authorities and universities are well aware of the challenges still to be resolved in this country.
We are proud to announce that by the help of our agent “Beijing waterland” we can install 3 double lysimeter stations in China.
The final destination is:
Fengqiu Agro-ecological Experiment Station in Fengqiu county, Xinxiang city, Henan province
First our stations will cross the ocean and travel by ship to Nanjing!
The new silk road is synonymous for us to combine Europe and Asia – in this sense to protect our environment. We are proud to be a partner in this process and be able to monitor with our equipment currant status to provide scientists with the necessary environmental data.
So “safe journey” for our lysimeters !
UGT is looking forward to the installation in Henan province.